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Vivix from Natural Products for Your Health

Shaklee Vivix - My Review of Shaklee Vivix

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Expert Author Patrick E McTigue
Aging seems to be the buzz word lately, for a very good reason. It affects all of us. I remember when I turned 30 years of age I was in shock. I began a regimen of eating better, exercising to excess and at the ripe old age of 40 I was in the best physical shape since I was 20. Here's what really got my attention. I was 50 years old watching a PBS special that had a lasting effect on me to this day. I learned a lot about the aging process. I found out that the human body is growing and consistently building new cells through puberty, until around the age of 20.
At this age, your body continues to produce cells as it does through the rest of your life. There is one critical exception. Once you get to the age of 20, your cells structure in your body begin to deteriorate.
This deterioration is not noticeable to most people unless you have a skin condition or extreme exposure to the sun. Unfortunately, time continues to march on. The process of aging is well underway in your 30's and this continues throughout your life. The effects of aging just become more and more apparent once you hit age 30.
There are 4 ways that aging affects our cell reproduction. Without writing a scientific journal, it all has all has to do with the health of the cell is after it divides. Our cells divide so they can reproduce themselves and we can stay alive. After many rounds of division, our cell structures become weakened. The health of our cells simply declines over the years, and the breakdown is accelerated with our body being bombarded with toxins from everywhere.
The aging process is going to occur. That is a fact of nature, but there are things that can be done to counteract it. After 10 years of research and study, scientists and sociologists began making a connection to the over all youthful appearance of groups of people mainly from Europe who drank red wine for most of their lives. The scientific community began to study the people and the linkage to red wine. The research produced startling results.
From the skin of the red grape and its seeds was extracted a compound known as resveratrol. With 2000 case studies it has been linked with retarding the effects on cells that are aging. Here's where the whole thing gets real dicey. There are a lot of snake oil salesmen
peddling their "Potions, Elixirs and Imported Rubs" as the purist most potent resveratrol on the planet. It just isn't so.
I hope you pay heed to what I'm about to share with you. I don't know how many of you are familiar with Shaklee Corporation. It is the #1 Natural Nutritional Supplement Company in the US. Shaklee quality is well known. All of its products as Safe, Pure, Tested, and Retested. Shaklee products always have the highest potency and best quality.
Shaklee put the pedal to the metal and their reputation on the line, not to mention the money in research. Shaklee scientists teamed with university professors to find the best and purest form of resveratrol. They have multiple patents applied for from the processing of the purist form of resveratrol. They also discovered the "Miracle Grape" that produces 10 times the benefits of resveratrol alone. There is nothing like it on the market. Shaklee is the only place you can purchase this amazing product called Vivix. Vivix Cellular Anti-Aging Tonic is a revolutionary breakthrough in the fight against cellular aging.
I use Vivix, and my 83 year old father uses it as well. There is a distinct difference in vitality, energy and most important "Quality of Life" when we take the Vivix product. Vivix is not recommended for children, pregnant mothers to be or mothers nursing infants.
Vivix has been found to do four highly beneficial things to our cells:
* Protect and repair cellular DNA.
* Positively impact genetic regulators, which helps slow down cellular aging
* Helps increase power production within the cells.
* Is 10 times more powerful than resveratrol alone in slowing the formation of plaque in cells
In addition, Vivix Also Supports
o Heart health and cardiovascular function
o Brain health
o Enhanced Immunity
o Joint health
o Promotes cellular longevity
o Helps Increase cellular energy
o Promotes good health and well being
o Delivers antioxidant support
One teaspoon of Vivix equals the same amount of resveratrol found in 1,000 glasses of red wine!
Like all Shaklee nutrition products, Vivix ingredients are all natural.
All ingredients are of the highest purity and potency available.
o No artificial colors
o No artificial flavors
o No artificial sweeteners
o No preservatives
Patrick McTigue is a full time network marketer that has six years of experience. Patrick enjoys coaching people to success in their home based business and specializes in assisting people new to the home based business area. You can find out more information on Patrick and his team at
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